recommended by my friend Kim Lewis.


Kellye has been a Godsend & we’re so happy to have found her! I’ll forever recommend her to everyone.

my son was born full term on July 9, 2021 & was sent straight to the NICU due to being in respiratory distress immediately after birth. this is where he would stay for an entire month. the first 2 weeks, he needed assistance breathing, after he got good control of his breathing, a bottle was introduced at 2 weeks old. & this is where we ran into our problem. he tired out very easily & did not want to take the amount of milk he needed, choked up frequently, the nicu nurses even commented on how much of a messy eater he was because milk basically poured out the sides of his mouth. so we’d stay in the NICU for another two weeks because of these feeding troubles that they had no clue the reason behind. his doctors just kept saying he needed to learn how to properly feed without getting tired & choking. reminder that he was full term & there’s no real reason that he needed “learn” and didn’t have it figured out already. his care team consisted of nurses, nurse practitioners, occupational therapist & doctors, who again didn’t really know the reason why he was having these problems.

fast forward to two weeks later, we finally get to go home. he constantly had severe gas, reflux, he would randomly choke up on his milk. & the biggest thing was that I had to fight with him to take more than 2 oz because he just seemed to get so tired & frustrated with feeding. the only way he will take more than 2 oz at once without putting up a huge fight and crying is if he was dream feeding. I couldn’t seem to figure out why.

this is when I coincidentally & finally figured out what was wrong with our sweet boy after 5 very long, hard, miserable weeks of him being home from the NICU. I happened to stumble across a facebook post where someone mentioned that lip ties could cause gas. that gave me the urge to want to check his upper lip just because he WAS so gassy, all of the time. no amount of gas drops or different formula seemed to help. we had been into our pedi’s office once a week every week trying to figure out what’s wrong with him and why he never stops crying & nothing makes him happy. so I check under his top lip & it looked JUST like the pictures on Google that I found when I searched lip ties. I instantly felt a huge relief that we might FINALLY have an answer as to why he had such a miserable baby. he’d had almost every single symptom I found that oral ties can cause. his weight gain wasn’t terrible but was on the slower side for sure. at 8 weeks old & he had gained just under 2 pounds since birth but it was looked over because he was 11 pounds when he was born, so when they see a 13 pound baby at 8 weeks old, they assume he’s on track because technically, he is in the 98th percentile. we were told it was colic and there wasn’t much that could be done about it until he outgrew it. so after being pretty sure he had a lip tie, Kellye was recommended to me by a friend & I’m SO glad that she was. she has been an angel! she came out to my home & evaluated my son. this is when she discovered that he also had a pretty bad tongue tie & that was likely the cause of all of our issues more so than the lip tie.

we set up an appointment to have both his tongue & lip tie released that following week. after it was done, I noticed a change in him on the very first bottle after getting his ties released. he fed better without leaking, clicking, didn’t tire out as easily. within that week, he went from taking only 2 oz to taking 5 oz! his gas and reflux were instantly gone. it’s still a process for several weeks, but just the fact that I knew my baby could take a bottle without feeling overwhelmed made me want to cry because I was so happy he didn’t have to struggle anymore. I love the way she loves the babies she cares for. I love even more that she told me she prays for her babies during their procedure along with talking & singing to them. we could not have been put into better hands & I’m so glad we found her. when his care team at the NICU completely failed my son, she wasted no time in doing everything she could to help us & making sure we got him taken care of. like I said above, he even worked with an occupational therapist that completely missed it too. I’m so grateful & appreciative to Kellye for helping my baby boy & being such an angel while doing so! she was quick to answer any questions I had & is still answering questions for me almost a month later whenever I have them!

A note from Kellye: Let me know if you have any questions here! I am happy to help. Take a look at the next success story! HEATHER & PRECIOUS BABY SAWYER

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