Insurance & Policies

Thank you for scheduling with Milk&Mom, LLC. We look forward to our time together to help you reach your feeding goals. Please take a minute to read through our insurance information, policies, & procedures.


Communication and Paperwork

Prompt payment within 24hrs of invoice is required.

Milk&Mom uses MilkNotes, a HIPPA compliant app, to communicate securely with our patients and providers. Upon booking, you will receive a link to our portal which you can access from your phone and your computer. You will be able to access your plan of care for each appointment here, send messages directly to your IBCLC, as well as access telehealth appointments when scheduled. For direct access go to You are responsible for completing intake forms prior to your scheduled appointment. 


The Lactation Network/ Ashland Health:

  1. Milk&Mom partners with The Lactation Network/ Ashland Health to allow direct billing of services for some BlueCross BlueShield, Anthem, United Healthcare, PNOA, and United plans. Patients will submit their insurance information to be verified by The Lactation Network. If your insurance is approved, you will receive email verification for up to three visits. Pre-approved visits covered by insurance through The Lactation Network are at no cost to the patient.  If your insurance company is not approved by The Lactation Network, you are considered a cash-pay patient and will be responsible for paying for all services out of pocket. Please see below for cash-pay and superbill information. 
  2. Insurance verification must be completed prior to your visit in order for The Lactation Network to verify your benefits and respond, this process takes less than 24 hours, emergent situations are handled in 3 or less hours. Upon insurance approval, you will be required to sign an Assignment of Benefits form with The Lactation Network to allow billing of your visit. If you do not complete the insurance verification process and do not submit an Assignment of Benefits prior to your visit, you will be responsible for paying out of pocket for your visit. 
  3. Milk&Mom is subcontracted by The Lactation Network for your lactation appointments. Milk&Mom is not involved with your insurance verification or billing. If you have questions regarding insurance billing or verification, please email
  4. To find out if your insurance is covered through The Lactation Network, use this link: 

Cash Pay Patients: 

Milk&Mom is out-of-network for all insurance plans outside of billing through The Lactation Network. Milk&Mom does not file insurance claims for their patients but does provide a superbill for each visit so that you can try for reimbursement with your insurance company. Upon request, Milk&Mom will provide basic lactation codes to any patient wanting to call their insurance company prior to booking for information regarding possible reimbursement. 


Driving fee:

Milk&Mom serves the areas of The Woodlands, Spring, Tomball, Conroe, and Magnolia. If you have chosen a home visit for your care, a $60 home visit convenience fee will be charged for every home visit. This is a surcharge and not billable by The Lactation Network or reimbursable with a superbill if you are a cash pay patient.


Cancellation fee:

If you need to cancel your appointment, 24-hour notice is appreciated. For cancellations within 24 hours a $50 fee will be applied.